TJ#3 – Screening

Präsentation trafficjam#3 Berlin, Samstag, 29. März 2014, 20:00, Kulturcafe, Türrschmidtstr. 24, Lichtenberg, 10317 Berlin

In den Lichtenberg Studios sind im März 2014 Videokünstler und Filmemacher aus Serbien, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Bulgarien und den USA zu Gast und arbeiten an Interventionen im öffentlichen Raum.
Nach São Paulo (2010) und Taipeh (2012) ist dies die dritte Zusammenkunft des Residency-Projekts trafficjam.

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ECVP 4 – porn&politics

Exquisite Corpse Video Project (ECVP) Volume 4 – porn & politics


The ECVP [Exquisite Corpse Video Project] is a video collaboration project inspired by the Surrealist creation method, the “Exquisite Corpse”. The project is coordinated by the Brazilian artist Kika Nicolela and currently has over 80 participating artists from various countries.

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TJ#3 – Herrenreiter

In den Lichtenberg Studios sind im März 2014 Videokünstler und Filmemacher aus Serbien, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Bulgarien und den USA zu Gast und arbeiten an Interventionen im öffentlichen Raum.

Freitag, 21. März 2014, ab 18 Uhr (Renntag), Standort Reiterstandbild an der Trabrennbahn Karlshorst (Renntag), Treskowallee, 10318 Berlin

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okk – HtS? LfRA – Emma Campbell

How to Show? Lab for Research and Art
Emma Campbell – Photography

20.03 (Thursday) Opening
22.03 (Saturday) Talk: “Artist in Residence, Emma Campbell will give a talk on her current research, where photography, feminist activism and research collide.”
29.03 (Saturday) Film Presentation: Sarah Diehl: Abortion Democracy
(The film is in English with German subtitles)
30.03 (Sunday) Finissage

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TJ#3 – Audio diary

Audio diary from one month of Art In Residence at Lichtenberg Studios, Berlin, March 1-31 2014

trafficjam #3 Berlin

trafficjam #3 at Berlin – Lichtenberg Studios

TRAFFICJAM is a project-based collective that unites international artists in an urban environment. TRAFFICJAM #3 is the third edition of the project that intends to migrate internationally collecting experiences for new work. It provides a platform for a diverse cultural collaboration across artistic disciplines encouraging exchanges between International and German professional artists.

Through an intense period of residency, living and working together, each artist will create a video in response to the host city. The final works will reflect personal perspectives on a wide range of social, cultural and political issues that the artists have encountered while staying in Lichtenberg Artist Residency and Lichtenberg district.

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