TOP project space offers cultural events to local and translocal communities. It is inhabited and run by a transdisciplinary group of international artists, designers, architects, filmmakers, writers, scientists, activists and a cook. The space and its infrastructure, containing a biolab, a shared workspace, a kitchen and an event space, is used collaboratively by its community and is made accessible through events organised by its members and guests.
Founded in 2015 as a collaboration with Schillerpalais e. V. and upgraded in 2017, TOP is a project space for curiosity, creativity, education and transdisciplinary research. It serves as a platform for science, technology and art. People have access to DIY workshops, academic discussions, art exhibitions and screenings, and they can develop their own projects.
Interested in collaboration? Drop us an email to top@top-ev.de
FB: https://www.facebook.com/toplabs/
TOP project space
Schätzelbergstr 1-3, 12099 Berlin
TOP project space is supported by TOP e.V., an association for the promotion of cultural practice.
- Juliette Collas, artist.
- Julien Colomb, a scientist who used to work in neuro-genetics. Currently, he teaches research data management (RDM), produces outreach videos inside an open source project, and has a special interest in the decentralised web. Organiser of the the open science meetup in Berlin.
- Melissa Harrison, PhD-researcher working across urbanism and architecture, social and artistic practice, research and pedagogy to explore urban commoning, sharing, and (un)learning. Co-initiator of Common(s)Lab and AoA Berlin; member of Common Grounds.
- Mindaugas Gapsevicius, artist, obtained his MA at Vilnius Academy of Arts in 1999, and his MPhil at Goldsmiths, University of London in 2016. Since 2016, he has been conducting PhD research at Bauhaus University, Weimar, where he holds an artistic associate chair. His works question the creativity of machines, and do not presume humans are the only creative force. http://triple-double-u.com
- Simon Thomas Knight, multi-sensory designer.
- Yelta Köm, trained architect and artist, is practicing in various ways intersection between art, architecture and research. His research and interest areas include landforms, technology, critical spatial and commoning practices, urban and data surveillance methodologies in the post-anthropocene era. www.yeltakom.info
- Eirini Kokkinidou, artist.
- Alve Lagercrantz, designer, entrepreneur, and researcher.
- Veiko Liis, product designer who has designed and developed furniture, electronic devices and packaging in a small design studio in Estonia for more than 15 years. Veiko has been leading
- Tim van der Loo, material and product designer, using post consumer resources to develop new surfaces and structures.
- Alessandro Volpato, biologist, designs innovative tools to support a collaborative research environment and to facilitate the learning process in life sciences, inside and outside the universities.
- Christina Sarli, artist, explores the implications of limited offline resources for the digital survival of the artist as a recurring post-fool figure.
Emeritus members:
- Mirela Alistar (scientist, currently postdoc)
- Flavia Barragan (scientist)
- Grayson Bailey (media architect)
- Lukas Gabriel (scientist)
- Christiane Hütter/Frau Hue (artist)
- Juan Pablo Díaz Moreno (artist)
- Ekmel Ertan (cultural manager)
- Puneet Kishor (scientist)
- Katharina Moebus (independent designer)
- Max Fowler (new media artist)
- Sara Reichert (engineer)
- Stephan Starke (molecular biologist)
- Annemarie Nazarek (Environmental scientist)
- Logan Noonan (TU Berlin employee)
- Ole Schubert (Biotechnology Scientist)
- Rūta Žemčugovaitė (artist and designer)