Psychic Geologies: Becoming an Archeological Site

Ruta Zemcugovaite. psyhic

Ruta Zemcugovaite. psyhic

Rūta Žemčugovaitė

Since we are born, our minds are directed at the side of nature which is in movement: animate, alive, swaying, buzzing, dancing. But what creates that movement? Our bodies and psyches are influenced by minerals, and as it goes, metals. In this display, Rūta Žemčugovaitė explores what it means to become an archeological, or a geological site. Her essay follows a personal journey of discovering how excess copper (coming from copper Intra Uterine Device — IUD) influences our elimination pathways, hormones, and psyches. Once copper found in mines, finds itself displaced in a womb: is that a story of (non) belonging?